The Elevated Talent Experience

Suzannah Kelly is an accomplished HR Executive and a Certified Executive Leadership Development, Career Coach and Life Coach, with a 20+-year track record in leading enterprise-wide HR and Talent Management initiatives that support critical organizational growth and transition goals with broad experience across the financial services, pharmaceutical and consumer packaged goods industries. Over the course of her career, she has been called on to build and deploy innovative Talent Management programs and drive transformation that deeply impacts and improves organizational development, employee experience and customer experience.  She has coached hundreds of employees and leaders to elevated promotional and leadership career success at all levels. 

Suzannah is passionate about coaching as an enabler of personal, professional  and organizational growth and holds an Associate Certified Coach designation, accredited through the International Coaching Federation as well as her Certified Human Resources Leader designation. She uses her training and certifications in Adult Education – Instruction and Design, Applied Positive Psychology, Human Flourishing and Mental Health as well as her long career focused on building dynamic workplace cultures and inspiring employee experiences to inform her coaching and talent management services. 


Suzannah has spoken at a number of conferences and events as both a keynote speaker and panelist  including The University of Toronto, The Future of Work Conference, The Supply Chain of Ontario Association and the Human Resources Professionals Association.


The Elevated Talent Management Experience
HR Consulting Solutions

Suzannah provides consulting solutions across the full spectrum of Talent Management including Talent Acquisition, Employee Experience, Change Management, Leadership Development, Succession Planning and Performance Management, customized to your organizational needs.


The Elevated Talent Management Experience
Coaching Programs for Individuals and Teams

Suzannah Kelly LinkedIn Discussion on Mature Leaders and Midlife Makeover

WATCH: My Discussion on midlife leaders and how organizations can support them

LinkedIn Event by Michael Vodianoi

1:1 Coaching Programs

Practical, results based 1:1 coaching to support your high potential talent across a variety of common leadership development assignments and situations:

  • New Leader Integration
  • Promotion Readiness
  • Change Transitions
  • Engaging Teams
  • Return to Work
  • And more…

Through proven coaching strategies, your employees will gain PERSONAL AWARENESS on their LEADERSHIP IMPACT while identifying proven strategies to continually elevate their PERFORMANCE DELIVERY even while dealing with challenging situations or career transitions:

  • Building greater SELF-AWARENESS on what causes them to get stuck and how to avoid JOB OVERWHELM before it takes hold
  • Gaining clarity on their STRENGTHS and PERSONAL VALUES to guide them through challenging leadership situations
  • Developing unshakeable LEADERSHIP CONFIDENCE under pressure so they can show up powerfully and with authority in order to lead themselves and others
  • Developing a framework of personal POSITIVE MINDSET strategies to get unglued when faced with difficult, stressful job challenges
  • Building practical strategies to maintain their MENTAL AND PHYSICAL WELLBEING and self-care
  • Developing a game plan for how to drive CHANGE and tap into their LEADERSHIP RESILIENCE reserves and maintain their ENERGY when the going gets tough
  • Develop a toolbox of actions steps in order to deal with a variety of LEADERSHIP CHALLENGES related to career transitions:
    • Leading people
    • Driving change
    • Having difficult conversations/addressing conflict situations
    • Influencing key decision makers
    • Developing leadership presence
    • And more!

Program Format

1:1 Coaching typically takes place in 1 hour sessions either in person or virtually.

Programs can be 3 or 6 months in length depending on identified coaching needs.

All 1:1 Coaching Clients will take an Emotional Intelligence Assessment and receive a debrief and leadership report on their decision making, stress management, self-perception, self- expression and interpersonal impact as part of their program. 

Team Coaching Programs

Improve business outcomes, leadership capability, engagement and retention by elevating your team’s performance through just in time focused coaching conversations:

  • Coaching Circles that allow them to surface the topics that matter most, authentically share what needs to be said and collectively create a speak up culture that ensures your business deals proactively with organizational and functional opportunities, challenges and breakdowns!
  • Curated Topic Content that is relevant to current business issues of the day, meeting your organization where it is at, ensuring your employees are on top of what is timely and current in the moment!
  • Connected Community that allows for accelerated individual and peer learning to take place in a safe space, deepening relationships, inspiring ideas and enhancing your culture!

Coaching Topics cover the following categories

  • The Foundations of Management 
    Example: Accountability
  • Engaging Your People
    Example: Coaching and Mentoring
  • Leadership Development
    Example: Gaining Political Savvy
  • Driving Change
    Example: Influencing without Authority
  • Diversity and Inclusion
    Example: Building your Inclusive Leadership Competencies
  • Engaging and Mobilizing Your Team
    Example: Nurturing Your Team to High Performance
  • Strengthening Your Culture
    Example: Creating and Inspiring Environment
  • Interpersonal Effectiveness
    Example: Building your Self Awareness for greater Authenticity
  • And more...

Program Format

  • Group Sessions are typically 90 minutes in length allowing for quick, efficient and timely in-the-moment learning
  • Coaching topics can be customized into holistic programs that address your unique talent and business needs  

Heather Hines, MA

University of Toronto - Logo
Our office [of the Vice-President & Principal, University of Toronto, Mississauga Campus] had the pleasure of working with Suzannah Kelly for a high-performing teams workshop. Suzannah’s helpful pre-workshop assessment not only helped guide the workshop content but also encouraged participants to begin thoughtfully engaging with the workshop material.  Throughout the morning, Suzannah encouraged, supported and challenged us as we explored our workplace interactions and culture. The session was a great success and left us with practical strategies we could incorporate into our daily activities. I recommend her unreservedly and am confident that those engaging her services will be as pleased as we were with the outcome.
Heather Hines, MA
University of Toronto, Mississauga Campus


Suzannah Kelly - Keynote Speaker and Panelist

Need a Keynote Speaker?

Looking for an engaging and thought-provoking speaker to provide inspiration, practical career insights and conversation?

Contact Suzannah to elevate your team’s performance today.